On this page, you will find hilarious frog jokes guaranteed to brighten your day, no matter what mood you’re in! Join us on an adventure into the humorous world of frogs, where ribbits and hops inspire laughter.
Frog Jokes
- The Little Frog and the Fortune Teller:
- The fortune teller says, “You’ll soon meet a very beautiful girl who will want to know everything about you.”
- “Really? And will we meet at a party?” asks the frog.
- “No, in biology class!”
- Frog in the Library:
- A frog hops into the library and approaches the librarian enthusiastically. “I’d like to borrow a book!”
- The librarian smiles, “Of course! What kind of book are you looking for?”
- “I’m not sure… Maybe something funny!”
- The librarian thinks for a moment and gives the frog a book about laughing animals.
- The next day, the frog returns, looking a bit sad.
- “Didn’t you like the book?” asks the librarian.
- “Oh, I did! It’s just that now all the other animals at the pond are laughing at me!”
- Frog at the Gym:
- A frog goes to the gym to stay healthy. The trainer asks, “Why are you here?”
- “I want to become the best jump-ribbit at the pond!”
- Frog at School:
- It’s the frog’s first day at school. The teacher asks, “Frog, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
- The frog replies without hesitation, “A ribbit performer! Everyone will appreciate my performances.”
- Frog at the Crossroad:
- A frog hops to a crossroad and sees a sign: “Beautiful ones to the left, smart ones to the right.” The frog wonders, “Should I split in half?”
- Three Frogs by the Pond:
- The first frog says, “Ribbit.”
- The second frog says, “Ribbit.”
- The third frog says, “Ribbit-ribbit.”
- The first frog pulls out a gun and shoots the third one. The second frog asks, “Why did you do that?”
- “He knew too much…”
- How is a Frog Born?
- A little frog asks his dad, “Dad, how is a little frog born?”
- “Well, the stork brings them.”
- “Sure, and werewolves don’t exist either!”
- Drunk Frog Joke:
- What does a drunk frog say?
- “Zwack-zwack.”
- The Old Man and the Frog:
- An old man is rowing on the lake when a frog swims up and says, “Kiss me, and we’ll live happily ever after.”
- The man says nothing, puts the frog in his pocket, and rows to shore.
- On land, the frog speaks again, “I’m a real enchanted princess! Kiss me, and we’ll live happily ever after!”
- Still silent, the old man walks towards the town.
- Annoyed, the frog says, “Why won’t you kiss me? Don’t you realize I’m an enchanted princess?”
- “Look, miss,” says the old man, “I’m over eighty years old. At this age, a talking frog is more useful!”
- Is a Frog a Feminine Animal?
- Why is a frog considered feminine?
- Because it spreads its legs, catches the fly, and is afraid of the stork.
- Two Frogs Chatting by the Ditch:
- “It’s great that we’ve been with all the girls in the village.”
- “Yeah, but we could have skipped the wizard’s girl…”
- Two Frogs Talking:
- “Hey, is it true that if a princess kisses you, you’ll turn into a prince?”
- “Nah, that’s just in those silly fairy tales where frogs can talk…”
- “Frog!” Yell the Kids:
- The teacher says, “Good thought, but it could be a grasshopper too!”
- Jancsika asks, “What’s something that’s big and hard when the teacher puts it in her mouth, but soft and small when she takes it out?”
- “A tree frog!” says Móricka.
- “Not bad, but I was thinking of a grasshopper. It’s brown, has four legs, and lives in the forest. What is it?”
- “A deer!” guesses Móricka.
- “Not bad! I was thinking of a wild boar.
- “Teacher, may I ask a question as well?”
- “Go ahead!”
- Stork-Proof Vest and the Little Frog:
- The little frog asks his dad, “Dad, can I go play in the meadow?”
- “Sure, son, just wear your stork-proof vest!”
- The Frog and the Programmer:
- On his way home at night from work, a programmer encounters a little frog that starts shouting, “Programmer! Programmer! I’m an enchanted, beautiful princess turned into a frog by an evil witch! Kiss me, and I’ll turn back into a charming princess for you!”
- “Ha-ha,” says the programmer, putting the frog in his pocket. On the bus, he hears the frog moving in his pocket and takes it out.
- “Programmer! Programmer! Kiss me, and you’ll see, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess, and I’ll be yours!”
- “Ha-ha.”
- “Wait! Tell me why you won’t let me turn back into a princess and be yours?”
- “You see, princess, I have too much work, I’m stressed, and I’m barely home. A girlfriend would just be a burden. But a talking frog—ha-ha—that’s cool.”
- Frog Complaint:
- The little frog shivers and nestles up to her mom. “Mama, I’m so scared of the stork!” she cries.
- Her frog mom reassures her, “Use anti-bird capsules!”
- The Wide-Mouthed Little Frog:
- A wide-mouthed little frog sets out to see the world. She meets a hedgehog. “I’m the wide-mouthed little frog! Who are you, and what do you eat?”
- “I’m a hedgehog, and I eat insects.”
- The little frog continues and meets a cow.
- “I’m the wide-mouthed little frog! Who are you, and what do you eat?”
- “I’m a cow, and I eat grass.”
- A few hundred meters further, the little frog spots a stork.
- “And who are you, and what do you eat?”
- “I’m a stork, and I eat wide-mouthed little frogs.”
- The little frog squints in fear, “And do you see any around here?”
- Three Frogs on the Track:
- Three frogs are on the track. One speaks up, “Watch out, there’s a tra… squish!”
- “Wh… squish!”
- “Oh… squish.”
- What does a frog say when stepped on?
- “Squash!”
- The Little Swedish Girl and the Frog:
- “Mommy, this frog can say my name!”
- “Come on, darling, frogs can’t talk!”
- “But mommy, this frog really can say my name!”
- “Really?”
- The child cups her hands around the frog and squeezes:
- “BJÖRK.”
20 + 1. Two Frogs Talking: – “Why do you take birth control?” – “Because it protects me from the stork!”
If you want to dive into even more hilarious short frog jokes or discover more puns, be sure to visit this page for more humorous content, even for kids. And if you want to learn more about frogs beyond the jokes, don’t miss our exciting and informative articles! Discover the fascinating world of frogs and learn how they live, what role they play in the ecosystem, and what other wonders these writings hold for you. Dive with us into the wonders of nature and humor!
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